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Dark Disciple(科幻战争)-第66部分

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blood was smeared across the floor and past the strips that led into an adjoining room。
Sensing movement; Marduk ducked and rolled to his right; narrowly avoiding being impaled on
two barbed forelimbs。 He slashed with the hollow limb; shearing through two of the creature’s legs;
which dropped to the floor; and more hissing; black fluid seeped from the creature’s wounds。 It spun
to face him and thrust the rear of its bloated abdomen forwards; stabbing it towards him from
beneath its body。 Liquid squirted from its grotesque spinnerets; and although Marduk managed to
avoid the worst of it; a line of the foul substance sprayed across his right shoulder。 His flesh began
to hiss and bubble; but he stood before the creature with his makeshift blade in both hands; ignoring
the pain。
The creature’s eldar torso writhed in obvious torment as ichor dripped from its severed limbs。 Its
blank face snapped towards Marduk; and it launched itself at him once more; bladed limbs flailing
The First Acolyte leapt to meet the beast; spinning the bladed limb around in his grasp so that he
held it over his head like a spear。 With a roar of animalistic fury; Marduk slammed the blade into the
twisted eldar; the tip of the weapon piercing the flesh of its throat and driving on into its body
behind its ribcage。
Bladed limbs hacked at his arms; tearing bloody strips of flesh from his bones; but the force of
the creature’s momentum was its death; for it continued to push forward; impaling itself further onto
its own bladed limb。
Its front legs collapsed beneath it; and Marduk stepped back; breathing heavily; blood running
down his arms。 The loathsome creature fell headfirst into the floor; its greyish lifeblood running
from its wounds。 It tried piteously to lift itself up again; but its legs gave way beneath it; and it
crumpled in a heap on the floor at Marduk’s feet。 He spat down onto the dying beast; and wrenched
the bladed limb from its neck。 Reaching down; he retrieved another of the creature’s severed; razor
sharp limbs from the floor; and so armed; he followed the trail of blood left by the haemonculus。
With the tip of one blade; Marduk parted the strips of heavy; semi…transparent material that hung
from the doorway leading from the circular room that had been his entire world for the gods knew
how long。 He moved cautiously forwards; eyes darting around him; seeking any threat or movement。
This room was larger than the first; and circular; and half a dozen chambers led off it; each
partially hidden behind hanging; translucent strips。 He could hear groans and muffled shouts from
within those rooms; voices crying out from raw throats whose owners had clearly heard the sound of
Marduk’s escape。 Some of them sounded familiar; but Marduk ignored them; focusing his senses on
finding the whereabouts of his twisted captor。
The centre of the room was bare except for a torturous bladed slab akin to the one he had just
escaped from; with pale; thin lights shining down upon it。 This table had a score of bladed arms
extending from beneath it; but they appeared lifeless; or at least dormant。 The room had dozens of
hovering shelves and tables around its circumference; each one with strange perverse implements
and objects arrayed upon it。 The light was dim; pulsing faintly from the floor and the ceiling; but he
could see the trail of blood on the floor clearly; and he quickly saw his wasted torturer crawling
away from him; one hand still clamped around its bloody throat。
With a roar; Marduk leapt forwards; ignoring the pain in his tortured limbs。 One of the eldar’s
wasted; skeletal hands was reaching up towards a flickering rune that hovered before what Marduk
took to be a sealed; circular portal; but before it could activate the doorway; Marduk stabbed one of
the slender blades down into the back of its thigh and dragged it backwards。 It gave a wet; gargling
cry of pain as it struggled futilely against him。
Marduk knelt over his eldar tormentor; twisting the blade ruthlessly; feeling it grinding against
the bone; and smiled。
“How do you like the feel of that; xenos filth?” he snarled。
The eldar did not answer; but the bladed arcs of the circular portal slid aside soundlessly; and
Marduk shifted his attention to the new threat; leaping forwards and spinning the twin blades in his
hands before he even saw what was coming。
There were two creatures; vaguely eldar in appearance but altered; like mutant versions of the
slender xenos。 One was a woman; her body covered in tiny scales that flushed an angry red; and the
other was almost reptilian in appearance; with hundreds of shivering quills inserted into its flesh。
The first blade struck the woman in the side of the neck before she could react; nigh on
decapitating her; and his second blade stabbed towards the other creature’s gut。 Spines emerged
from its wrists and it deflected the blow with a circular sweep of its arms。 Then it threw its arms
towards Marduk。
The First Acolyte swayed backwards; moving his body out of range of the creature’s touch; but
the spines in its wrists shot forward。 Marduk twisted; but even so one of the spines sliced a shallow
graze across his side; shooting pain blossoming from the scratch。
The female creature was on its knees; holding its head in place so that it did not flop to the side。
Its scaled body was covered in rich; hot blood。
Marduk backed towards the centre of the room; stepping over the prone form of the
haemonculus; which had managed to knock a surgical implant to the floor and seal its neck wound
with a spray of a synthetic skin。
The spined abomination; enraged by the harm done to what Marduk guessed was its mate; threw
itself towards him wildly。 Marduk’s blade swung up; swatting aside a pair of spines that were shot
towards him。 He rammed his weapon deep into the creature’s side; wrenching the blade up under the
ribs to pierce the heart。 It slumped to the ground; hissing in hatred and scrabbling at his flesh as it
Moving to his torturer; which stared up at him venomously; Marduk hauled it to its feet。 Holding
it upright by the scruff of its thin neck; Marduk moved towards the circular portal; intending to step
into the corridor beyond。
Claws dug into his shoulders as the female creature; its horrific neck wound all but healed with
astonishing swiftness; landed on his back。 It bit deeply into his neck; and Marduk dropped both his
captor and his weapon。
Reaching over his back; his hands brushing past something cold and smooth attached to the back
of his neck; he grabbed the feral creature in his crushing grip; and threw it over his head towards the
wall。 It tore a chunk from his neck as he hurled it away from him; and he cursed as blood gushed
from the wound。 The creature spun in the air like a cat; and landed on the circular wall on all fours。
It did not fall; but rather remained stuck there; staring at him with hate…filled eyes。
It skittered up the sheer wall and onto the ceiling; and raced across it towards him。 When it was
three metres from him it launched itself from the ceiling; reaching for him with outstretched claws。
Marduk stepped into the creature as it flew towards him; and slammed his fist square into its
face。 Its skull crumpled beneath the blow; and its limbs went limp as it flopped to the ground。
Having seen its regenerative powers already; Marduk gave it no chance to recover; and ripping the
blade from the gut of its dying companion; he hacked completely through the creature’s neck and
tossed its head to the far corner of the room。
Swaying with blood…loss that his enhanced physiology struggled to stem; the result of the
torturous wounds covering his body; Marduk dropped to one knee。 His hands reached up behind his
neck; towards the alien device that he had felt attached to the base of his skull when he had hurled
the she…bitch monstrosity from his back。
His hands closed around a smooth; coldly metallic artifice embedded in his flesh。 His fingers
gripped the device around its edges; and his agonised muscles strained as he sought to rip it away
from his flesh。 The pain was intense; and it felt as if he might rip a part of his mind away wit
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