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Dark Disciple(科幻战争)-第43部分

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Kol Badar and two of his Anointed warriors were leading the advance; walking in single file;
their massive shoulders sometimes scraping along the walls of the narrow; dark corridors。
Terminator armour had been originally constructed with brutal ship…to…ship boarding actions in
mind; where the immense protection its heavy plates provided far outweighed its lack of speed and
manoeuvrability。 Within the flooded hulk; they were the obvious choice to lead the advance。
Khalaxis walked a pace behind them; a blinking auspex held before him; scanning for
movement。 The amount of interference from the ship was playing havoc with its accuracy; limiting
its range to less than fifty metres。 Anything moving within the range of its sweeps would appear as a
blinking icon; but thus far only the other members of the Host had appeared on its blister screen。
Marduk walked with Burias in the centre of the group; along with the hulking form of Darioq…
Grendh’al。 Members of Khalaxis’s coterie surrounded them; and the other two members of the
Anointed brought up the rear。
They moved with well…practiced discipline。 Despite no movement or heat signatures being
picked up by the auspex; individual warriors peeled off to lay fields of over…watch down side
corridors and into darkened rooms。 Those behind moved past the sentinels; which filed back into
line towards the rear。 At the very back of the formation; the Anointed ensured that no enemy was
able to approach unannounced。 The formation was in constant movement; each warrior providing
cover for his brethren before moving on; and though their progress was slow; they moved
inexorably deeper into the hulk。 It was standard practice in unknown; tight confines such as these;
and centuries of drilled combat doctrine ensured that everyone knew his place。
The air within the ship was perfectly still; like the inside of a mausoleum; and the silence was
oppressive。 The darkness was all consuming; and with the utter absence of any form of light; even
the enhanced vision of the Word Bearers was impaired。 Their footsteps echoed painfully loudly
along the empty corridors; and Marduk ground his sharp teeth in frustration; drawing blood。 In the
desolate silence of the hulk; sound travelled easily; and their quarry may already have heard their
advance and moved deeper into the freighter。
The line of warriors emerged from a branching corridor into a room that might once have been a
thriving workshop。 Piles of mechanics and engine parts were strewn across the grilled; uneven
flooring; and heavy machinery that would have taken a dozen power…lifter equipped servitors to
shift lay overturned; like the discarded toys of an infant。
Half a dozen dark; uninviting corridors led from the room; as well as at least four closed;
powered doors。 Warriors had taken up position at each entrance; auto…sensors straining to locate any
“Which way?” asked Kol Badar。
The Coryphaus’s tone conveyed the warlord’s thoughts clearly; without need for words; that this
was a hopeless venture; but Marduk ignored his inference and paused; calming his breathing and
closing his eyes。
He had entered this half…trance a dozen times already within the ship; searching for any residual
warp…trace that might suggest the explorator had come this way; but so far had found nothing。 The
soul of every living creature in the universe was a flaring beacon within the warp—those individuals
who manifested latent psychic powers burning the most fiercely—and to those schooled in the
occult teachings of the Word Bearer’s priesthood; it was possible to perceive this soul glow in the
material realm; sensing it even at distance。
Marduk strained to pick up anything; and had almost resigned himself to failure once more when
he felt…
something。 It was very faint; like the fading heat image that surrounded a body an hour dead; but
it was definitely there。 His eyes snapped open。
“There;” he said; pointing towards one of the corridors。
Without a word; the Word Bearers continued deeper into the Flame of Perdition。
Somewhere in the distance there was an echoing clang。 It was impossible to gauge the distance
of the sound; but to Marduk he felt it was confirmation of the whereabouts of the explorator。
“Quickly;” he urged。
The Anointed were leading the way; their combi…bolters tracking for movement。 Khalaxis’s auspex
throbbed with its steady light。
The remainder of the warriors followed single…file; weapons held at the ready。
They had been moving within the Flame of Perdition for over an hour; time enough to have
walked its length twice over had their path not been so circuitous and slow。 No further sound had
been heard other than that one; distant echo; but Marduk was confident that his quarry was near。
The First Acolyte was lost in his thoughts when it happened。
A sheet metal wall panel punched inwards; crumpling like synth…board; and a blurred; dark
shape leapt from the gaping hole in the wall。 A clawed limb smashed into a warrior brother’s
helmet; crumpling it like paper; and hot blood spurted; splashing across the wall。
Marduk saw a blur of limbs; an exoskeleton of dark chitin; and another warrior brother was
dead; claws tearing an arm from its socket and punching through a breastplate。
In the tight confines of the corridor; all was suddenly chaos; with warriors shouting and bolters
The warrior in front of Marduk staggered backwards as the xenos creature turned its attention
towards him; claws flashing。 In an instant; his hand was severed at the wrist by the flashing claws;
the bolt pistol in his hand still firing as it hit the ground; and Marduk stared into the venomous eyes
of the deadly killer。
The creature was bipedal and hunched; its four arms hanging low from its armoured carapace;
and its hypnotic eyes; glinting yellow slashes; set deep into a wide; pallid face。 Marduk found
himself ensnared by the power in those golden orbs; and for a second he was frozen in place; staring
dumbly at the alien。
It pulled the disarmed warrior into a tight embrace; and its jaws closed around the Word
Bearer’s helmet。
Bolter fire struck the xenos creature from behind and a high…pitched; inhuman scream was
ripped from its throat as chunks of chitin were blasted from its body; splattering Marduk with its
vile; xenos blood。
The splatter of blood upon the skull…face of his helmet broke his hypnotic reverie; and Marduk
lifted his bolt pistol。 Even as his finger was squeezing the trigger; the xenos creature spun towards
its assailant。
Marduk’s shots took the creature in the back of the head; and its forehead exploded like a
ruptured egg; spraying brain matter; blood and shards of skull; and it fell to the ground; dead; a
tangle of alien limbs。
Khalaxis gave a warning shout as his auspex suddenly lit up with movement。
“Contact;” he shouted。
“Where?” bellowed Kol Badar。
“Everywhere!” came the frantic response。
Marduk swore; and stared down in disgusted fascination at the lifeless corpse of the xenos
creature on the ground。
The exposed flesh of its head and hands was pallid; tinged slightly purple…blue; and its chitinous
shell; like that of an insect’s; was the colour of the night sky。 It had been monstrously fast and
strong; and the fact that one creature had managed to kill two veteran Astartes and injure another in
mere seconds meant that this corridor was not a place Marduk wanted to be when more of them
“Move!” he hollered。
With a nod from the Coryphaus; the Anointed at the forefront of the group began advancing。
The Anointed in the rear began firing; their combi…bolters barking loudly as they fired at the
wave of creatures surging at them from behind。 Passing a side passage; Marduk looked to the left
and began firing; seeing another of the creatures scuttling up the corridor towards him with
sickening speed。 He dropped it with a controlled burst from his bolt pistol。
The warriors at the front of the group halted; opening up with their weapon systems as more of
the xenos creatures appeared。
“A powerful foe;” growled Burias…Drak’shal with relish; forming the words with some difficulty
now that his mouth was filled with daemonic tusks and teeth。
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