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Don’t you see the angels beck’ning; and a calling me away?
Don’t you see the golden city and the everlasting day?”
There were others; which made incessant mention of “Jordan’s banks;” and “Canaan’s fields;” and the “New Jerusalem;” for the negro mind; impassioned and imaginative; always attaches itself to hymns and expressions of a vivid and pictorial nature; and; as they sung; some laughed; and some cried; and some clapped hands; or shook hands rejoicingly with each other; as if they had fairly gained the other side of the river。
Various exhortations; or relations of experience; followed; and intermingled with the singing。 One old gray…headed woman; long past work; but much revered as a sort of chronicle of the past; rose; and leaning on her staff; said—“Well; chil’en! Well; I’m mighty glad to hear ye all and see ye all once more; ’cause I don’t know when I’ll be gone to glory; but I’ve done got ready; chil’en; ’pears like I’d got my little bundle all tied up; and my bonnet on; jest a waitin’ for the stage to come along and take me home; sometimes; in the night; I think I hear the wheels a rattlin’; and I’m lookin’ out all the time; now; you jest be ready too; for I tell ye all; chil’en;” she said striking her staff hard on the floor; “dat ar glory is a mighty thing! It’s a mighty thing; chil’en;—you don’no nothing about it;—it’s wonderful。” And the old creature sat down; with streaming tears; as wholly overcome; while the whole circle struck up—
“O Canaan; bright Canaan
I’m bound for the land of Canaan。”
Mas’r George; by request; read the last chapters of Revelation; often interrupted by such exclamations as “The sakes now!” “Only hear that!” “Jest think on ’t!” “Is all that a comin’ sure enough?”
George; who was a bright boy; and well trained in religious things by his mother; finding himself an object of general admiration; threw in expositions of his own; from time to time; with a commendable seriousness and gravity; for which he was admired by the young and blessed by the old; and it was agreed; on all hands; that “a minister couldn’t lay it off better than he did; that “’t was reely ’mazin’!”
Uncle Tom was a sort of patriarch in religious matters; in the neighborhood。 Having; naturally; an organization in which the morale was strongly predominant; together with a greater breadth and cultivation of mind than obtained among his companions; he was looked up to with great respect; as a sort of minister among them; and the simple; hearty; sincere style of his exhortations might have edified even better educated persons。 But it was in prayer that he especially excelled。 Nothing could exceed the touching simplicity; the childlike earnestness; of his prayer; enriched with the language of Scripture; which seemed so entirely to have wrought itself into his being; as to have become a part of himself; and to drop from his lips unconsciously; in the language of a pious old negro; he “prayed right up。” And so much did his prayer always work on the devotional feelings of his audiences; that there seemed often a danger that it would be lost altogether in the abundance of the responses which broke out everywhere around him。
While this scene was passing in the cabin of the man; one quite otherwise passed in the halls of the master。
The trader and Mr。 Shelby were seated together in the dining room afore…named; at a table covered with papers and writing utensils。
Mr。 Shelby was busy in counting some bundles of bills; which; as they were counted; he pushed over to the trader; who counted them likewise。
“All fair;” said the trader; “and now for signing these yer。”
Mr。 Shelby hastily drew the bills of sale towards him; and signed them; like a man that hurries over some disagreeable business; and then pushed them over with the money。 Haley produced; from a well…worn valise; a parchment; which; after looking over it a moment; he handed to Mr。 Shelby; who took it with a gesture of suppressed eagerness。
“Wal; now; the thing’s done!” said the trader; getting up。
“It’s done!” said Mr。 Shelby; in a musing tone; and; fetching a long breath; he repeated; “It’s done!”
“Yer don’t seem to feel much pleased with it; ’pears to me;” said the trader。
“Haley;” said Mr。 Shelby; “I hope you’ll remember that you promised; on your honor; you wouldn’t sell Tom; without knowing what sort of hands he’s going into。”
“Why; you’ve just done it sir;” said the trader。
“Circumstances; you well know; obliged me;” said Shelby; haughtily。
“Wal; you know; they may ’blige me; too;” said the trader。 “Howsomever; I’ll do the very best I can in gettin’ Tom a good berth; as to my treatin’ on him bad; you needn’t be a grain afeard。 If there’s anything that I thank the Lord for; it is that I’m never noways cruel。”
After the expositions which the trader had previously given of his humane principles; Mr。 Shelby did not feel particularly reassured by these declarations; but; as they were the best comfort the case admitted of; he allowed the trader to depart in silence; and betook himself to a solitary cigar。
Chapter 5
Showing the Feelings of Living Property on Changing Owners
Mr。 and Mrs。 Shelby had retired to their apartment for the night。 He was lounging in a large easy…chair; looking over some letters that had come in the afternoon mail; and she was standing before her mirror; brushing out the complicated braids and curls in which Eliza had arranged her hair; for; noticing her pale cheeks and haggard eyes; she had excused her attendance that night; and ordered her to bed。 The employment; naturally enough; suggested her conversation with the girl in the morning; and turning to her husband; she said; carelessly;
“By the by; Arthur; who was that low…bred fellow that you lugged in to our dinner…table today?”
“Haley is his name;” said Shelby; turning himself rather uneasily in his chair; and continuing with his eyes fixed on a letter。
“Haley! Who is he; and what may be his business here; pray?”
“Well; he’s a man that I transacted some business with; last time I was at Natchez;” said Mr。 Shelby。
“And he presumed on it to make himself quite at home; and call and dine here; ay?”
“Why; I invited him; I had some acomounts with him;” said Shelby。
“Is he a negro…trader?” said Mrs。 Shelby; noticing a certain embarrassment in her husband’s manner。
“Why; my dear; what put that into your head?” said Shelby; looking up。
“Nothing;—only Eliza came in here; after dinner; in a great worry; crying and taking on; and said you were talking with a trader; and that she heard him make an offer for her boy—the ridiculous little goose!”
“She did; hey?” said Mr。 Shelby; returning to his paper; which he seemed for a few moments quite intent upon; not perceiving that he was holding it bottom upwards。
“It will have to come out;” said he; mentally; “as well now as ever。”
“I told Eliza;” said Mrs。 Shelby; as she continued brushing her hair; “that she was a little fool for her pains; and that you never had anything to do with that sort of persons。 Of course; I knew you never meant to sell any of our people;—least of all; to such a fellow。”
“Well; Emily;” said her husband; “so I have always felt and said; but the fact is that my business lies so that I cannot get on without。 I shall have to sell some of my hands。”
“To that creature? Impossible! Mr。 Shelby; you cannot be serious。”
“I’m sorry to say that I am;” said Mr。 Shelby。 “I’ve agreed to sell Tom。”
“What! our Tom?—that good; faithful creature!—been your faithful servant from a boy! O; Mr。 Shelby!—and you have promised him his freedom; too;—you and I have spoken to him a hundred times of it。 Well; I can believe anything now;—I can believe now that you could sell little Harry; poor Eliza’s only child!” said Mrs。 Shelby; in a tone between grief and indignation。
“Well; since you must know all; it is so。 I have agreed to sell Tom and Harry both; and I don’t know why I am to be rated; as if I were a monster; for doing what every one does every day。”
“But why; of all others; choose these?” said Mrs。 Shelby。 “Why sell them; of all on the place; if you must sell at all?”
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